Things to remember

To keep on top of your finances during your time abroad, make sure to: 

  • Make a budget! Work out exactly how much you’ll need and how much you know you’ll have. Do this in advance, so that if it looks like you’re going to be short you can start saving up (but don’t be afraid to adjust it again later if you need to). Not sure how? Check out the advice from Student Support here or this blog from Go Overseas here
  • Start following changes in the exchange rate: remember that your time abroad could end up being more expensive – or even cheaper – than you were expecting if the exchange rate changes
  • Check how much your tuition fees to Manchester will be. If you’re studying abroad, you won’t have to pay tuition at the partner university, but you may have to pay other fees, such as for the use of campus facilities. Be prepared for this
  • Decide how you’re going to access your money abroad – will you open a bank account, use a pre-paid travel card or just stick with your debit card? Be sure to compare the costs for each before you go.
  • Tell your bank that you’re going abroad – if you don’t, they may cancel your card when it’s used in another country.
  • Authorise a trusted relative or friend to communicate with Student Finance and your British bank on your behalf. You may also be able to authorsie someone to make deposits (but not withdrawals) into your bank in case of emergencies.
  • Always travel with some cash (but not too much!). ATM machines may not be as accessible in your host country, and not everywhere will accept card, so keep some cash on you just in case. But remember, carrying too much cash can be risky; enough for a couple of meals and a taxi home is usually a good guide.
  • Are there any external scholarships you could apply for? Doing your own research could pay off
  • Are you going on placement in Europe? Make sure you understand all the rules around your Erasmus+ grant, and DON’T rely on it for your rent