
If you fail an examination, it MAY be possible to take a re-sit. However, please note the following:


•              Re-sits are designed purely to enable Manchester students to progress to the next academic year. With this in mind, you would not be issued with a new grade following a resit, but purely with a ‘Pass’ (mark unspecified). In common with all full-degree students, your original mark would be retained and would simply appear on your transcript with the letter ‘R’ next to it indicating you had passed at resit. 

•              Re-sits can only be taken in Manchester.

•              Re-sits must be approved by the relevant Subject Area, and therefore you would need to seek permission from the Subject Area office and relevant VSO.


All students taking a resit must pay a resit fee (approx. £75)


Given that resitting would not alter the mark you received originally (but would only confirm to your home university that you scored more than 40% at your second attempt), you may wish to consider whether resitting is a worthwhile option or not, particularly given that you would need to go to the expense of returning to Manchester to sit the examination in August.